The Importance Of Sunscreen All Year Round

08. 15. 2022

Taking care of your skin is important, and sun protection is an important part of your skin routine. But you may wonder why you should even bother with protecting your skin, especially during the colder months when the sun is not quite as strong. There are plenty of benefits to protecting your skin. That's why we want to let you know to always wear your sunscreen, no matter the season.

Why Sunscreen Is Important

There is a reason why sunscreen is being promoted more and more as time goes on. The sun is an amazing thing, a wondrous celestial body that we would not be able to survive without. We need it for its warmth, vitamins, growing food, and light, and it is an essential, unavoidable part of our lives. But even the best things in excess can have their drawbacks. In the past, people have relied on a natural protectant in their skin against UV rays and sun damage called melanin, as well as utilizing shade and protective clothing to keep from dealing with painful sunburns- and these are great methods for ensuring that you do not get too much sun exposure if you do not have access to sunscreen. But sunscreen allows you to go into the sun without as much worry about the damage it can cause with prolonged exposure. UV rays are proven to have negative effects on the skin, causing medical issues beyond a simple sunburn. Using sunscreen can help give you control over these effects, as well as the look it can give your skin.

It’s Anti-Aging

If you find yourself bothered by signs of aging, you might be pleased to know that you can prevent these signs through UV protection. While there are a lot of factors that come into play from the environment to genetics, that does not take away from the fact that sun damage can promote the effects of aging. Sunscreen can help reduce the look of things from wrinkles and crow's feet, to laugh lines and sagging skin. And if this is your primary concern, in pairing this with anti-aging facials like microdermabrasion, LED Light therapy, and specially developed serums, you can greatly reduce the aging process. It can help with keeping your skin looking young and vibrant for longer than it might have otherwise. Though these details are much less important to think about in comparison to the potential medical benefits of applying sunscreen regularly throughout the year, and not just in summer and spring.

Reduces Cancer Risks

A lot of people in our modern day may find themselves concerned about developing conditions like melanoma. While sunscreen can not guarantee that you will always be safe from it, you can greatly reduce your risk by using sunscreen. Doing your research to find a sunscreen that is a high SPF- the general recommendation is SPF 40 or above- and healthy for your skin can give you a significant level of protection against strong UV rays. This isn’t exclusive either- it does not matter how much melanin you have. While it is a natural protectant against the sun, anyone can be prone to UV damage and benefit from using sunscreen.

Helps Promote An Even Skin Tone

If you have found that you are prone to hyperpigmentation, be it freckles or dark spots, you can prevent these marks by using sunscreen. Of course, this is not to say that beauty spots or freckles can not be beautiful. But, this is good news for people who want more control over the details on their faces. It can help reduce the spread of these markings and make sure they do not get darker over time.

The great thing about sunscreen is that you can get various kinds to fit your skin routine and habits. You can get it clear if you prefer no makeup, or you can get it tinted to use as a base, or combined with a daily moisturizer to ensure you never forget to put it on.

If you want to ensure your skin is well taken care of you can be sure that Suede Salon & Spa will give you the quality service you desire. Maintaining your skin with a weekly salon visit can be just as important in caring for your skin as sunscreen and a daily routine. You can also use our Gift Cards to give your friends and family the gift of a facial so they can start caring for their skin as much as you do! We are located at The Promenade, 500 NJ-73 South, Suite E12 in Marlton, NJ give us a call at 856.985.0700. You can also find our app for free on iTunes and Google Play for easy scheduling and maintaining your appointments.

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